Our API uses range-based pagination for most requests that return more than one item in its response. We've designed it to be as simple to use from an API user perspective without having to know about how range-based pagination works.

All endpoints that are paginated will return the following properties in their response along with the data items:

  • total - Number of items in your organisation that matches your current request.
  • prev - An ID that can be used to retrieve the previous page from your current page. If there is no previous page (i.e. the current page is the first page), this will be set to null.
  • next - An ID that can be used to retrieve the next page from your current page. If there is no next page (i.e. the current page is the last page), this will be set to null.

All endpoints that are paginated will accept the following parameters in their request:

  • limit - Maximum number of items to return in a page to your request. Accepts integers ranging from 1 to 100 and defaults to 10 if not set.
  • start - An ID of the first document on a page. You can set this to the ID in the next property of your current page to get the next page in your dataset.
  • end - An ID of the last document on a page. You can set this to the ID in the prev property of your current page to get the previous page in your dataset.