Representation of a booking in your Appointedd organisation.


Every booking can have zero, one or more participants on it, stored on its customers property. These objects contain a reference to an actual customer in your organisation that has booked onto this booking, as well as the details that were collected during the booking process. For clarity we call this object a participant object, with the idea being it describes the participation of a customer on a booking.


Every customer that books onto a booking has a reschedule URL generated that the customer can use to reschedule a booking. This URL can only be used once, a new URL is generated once the previous has been used to reschedule a booking.

This reschedule URL will always be generated even if you have the setting Allow customers to reschedule turned off on the service that the booking is for. This setting only controls if the URL is included in the communications about the booking to the customer that control our system. If you are building a custom UI/system for managing customer rescheduling it's entirely your choice how and when you surface this URL for your customers.


customers[].reschedule_urlstringURL that can be used to reschedule the booking for this participant. It is single use; once a reschedule URL has been used to successfully reschedule a booking, a new one will be generated for the rescheduled booking.


Depending on what integrations you have connected and if they were switched on for the service that the booking was made for.

Video Conferencing

These properties are only present if your Appointedd organisation is connected to a video conferencing provider and the service that the booking was made for has the video conferencing provider setting turned on.


video_conference_type_namestringName of the video conferencing provider that was used for this booking.

Currently this will be one of:
- "zoom": Created using Zoom.
- "microsoft": Created using Microsoft Teams meetings.
video_conference_linkstringURL of the video conferencing meeting that was created for this booking.

The format of this URL will depend on the provider, but in general it is a http(s) link that can be used to join that video conferencing meeting.


Missing video conferencing properties for Zoom meetings

Currently Zoom meetings for bookings are created asynchronously when a booking is created. This means that the meeting's properties might not be present for a short time after the booking is created. You can poll the booking data using the request for retrieving bookings until the video conferencing properties you need are present.

This limitation is not present for bookings that use Microsoft Teams meetings as those are created synchronously and the video conferencing properties will always present for new bookings using Microsoft Teams.